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23 Nov 2023

Emirates completes 30-minute-long flight with SAF

Emirates completes 30-minute-long flight with SAF

A recent partnership between Emirates, Airbus, Engine Alliance, Pratt and Whittney, ENOC, Neste and Virent, enabled the successful 30-minute-long flight, performed by Emirates using 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). This is an incredible breakthrough and opens multiple opportunities for the aviation industry and holds a multitude of benefits for the environment.

Previously, Emirates, the Dubai International Airport (DXB)- based airline, has operated a couple of demonstration flights which were powered by 100% SAF, however despite these flights being successful and reaching 40 minutes in length, it was stated afterwards that using 100% SAF on a commercial flight is not permitted, only using a blend of 50% kerosene and 50% SAF is permitted.

However, through their partnerships which have been developed and expanded, the airline has now discovered a method which allows an aircraft to use 100% SAF within one of its four engines. This was the system that was used during the demonstration flight, which took place with an Airbus A380. The results prove that this method is a step in the right direction as the flight successfully lasted 30 minutes. This ultimately shows that alternative fuels have potential as a reliable fuel source for the aviation industry.

The use of SAF has multiple benefits, including allowing aircrafts to have a greener manufacturing process, as using SAF currently reduces carbon emissions by a maximum of 85%. This has been calculated by lifecycle assessment (LCA) methodologies, which include the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).

Now that this has been made possible and a demonstration has proven this possibility, Emirates has continued its work with their various partners, in order to test and analyse the use of SAF. Furthermore, emirates recently revealed that they have started to operate commercial flights which make use of SAF, which was provided by Shell aviation and Neste. This is an incredible breakthrough for the aviation industry and for the environment and it is a project which Emirates intends to continue expanding and developing, in order to drive this greener and more sustainable manufacturing process forwards.

Emirates commented on their recent success, saying the results from the flight, “pave the way for future standardisation, qualification and adoption for 100% SAF flying, as governments adopt broader strategies to support the production and scale up of SAF.”

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