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19 Dec 2023

The NEBA Alliance consortium has won the call for proposals and will be launching the New European Bauhaus Academy

The NEBA Alliance consortium has won the call for proposals and will be launching the New European Bauhaus Academy

The NEBA Alliance is a pan-European consortium which will be launching the New European Bauhaus Academy, a new training network.

The idea for this new network was first presented in Finland by President von der Leyen, in November of 2022. The purpose of this Academy is to drive forwards the initiative to include and build new skills and education across all levels of the construction industry. The primary focuses of the NEB, will be on their values which include, sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness, along with supporting the implementation of the European Green Deal within the circular bioeconomy. This innovative and excellent project will be financed by the Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU).

Fourteen partners comprise the NEBA Alliance, whom altogether are led by the Slovenian University of Primorska. These partners come from Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands. Due to the large variety of partners, the NEBA Alliance’s expertise cover a large part of Europe and facilitate construction sectors which are both regional and national. These include academic entities, research centres, public bodies and European networks.

Using the expertise mentioned above, throughout the next two years, the NEBA Alliance create an international alliance of educational actors and training providers. This alliance will work to connect five local and regional hubs which span across Europe and which will offer tailored and high-quality co-created training services, curricula and programmes on sustainable construction solutions, which will be available on a digital platform.

This project created by the NEB Academy is a flagship initiative of the European Year of skills, highlighting how important training and lifelong learning is to developing these skills. These skills are also important and can become more varied when the context of green and digital transitions is applied. This makes the application of projects such as the NEB Academy even more pressing and significant to this industry.

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, commented, “The New European Bauhaus Academy Alliance will be a solid support for Europe's construction industry, addressing labour shortages and promoting knowledge sharing including on sustainable bio-based solutions, like the circular use of wood and other innovative materials.”

Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova, added, “The New European Bauhaus is about bringing the European Green Deal to our living spaces. To make it a success, we need to equip our construction sector with the skills and knowledge it needs to tap into the potential of sustainable solutions. This is where the NEB Academy will make a difference.”

Comissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, mentioned, “I welcome the New European Bauhaus Academy Alliance which, through its diverse expertise across the EU, will address skill gaps in the sustainable and circular construction sector and create better employment opportunities at the regional and national level, while promoting high-quality and inclusiveness in construction.”

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