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14 Feb 2024

The New York fashion industry is becoming much more sustainable

The New York fashion industry is becoming much more sustainable

To show support for both the fashion industry and the environment, Governor Kathy Hochul included a US $5 million investment for hemp and biobased product in the budget for the New York fashion industry, during New York Fashion Week.

Governor Hochul made this investment in order to celebrate New York’s fashion industry and its role in driving the State economy, but also with the aim of helping to increase the production of fibre, which will then be used in apparel and design. Investing into the production of fibre truly highlights Hochul’s support, as this kind of material is an excellent sustainable and alternative material for the fashion industry to use, whilst also benefitting the environment.

Not only is New York fashion industry and fashion week very well-known and a huge event, but it is also a large opportunity for employment and it is an economic engine for the state. Altogether, an estimated 312,000 people in New York are employed by the industry, whilst the industry itself generated US $24 billion in salaries for the whole state on a yearly basis. Normally, the industry highlights and advances the nation’s leading efforts to be more sustainable along with the USA’s environmental stewardship, however this year, Hochul took this a step further. Hochul revealed the investment, which was decided upon after a suggestion was made by the Natural Textile Development Workgroup. This organisation’s goal is to boost the amount of natural fibres and textiles that are used within the fashion industry, as these are the key elements of the fashion industry.

It was though Governor Hochul’s announcement concerning the investment that the Natural Textile Development Workgroup, had their suggestions presented to the public. The Natural Textile Development Workgroup is a group that was created through the Empire State Development, the Department of Agriculture and Markets, along with various other stakeholders from the textile industry and other related fields. The overall objectives from the group include researching and experimenting with various methods focused on boosting and accelerating the use of natural fibres within New York state, whilst also boosting the textile industry’s economic contribution to the state. The group also want to grow and expand the sector’s employment base, whilst also deciding on the best way to encourage and grow private investment, which would in turn aid the textile industry. The group’s final aim, which Hochul mentioned, is to promote the growth of new companies within and supporting the natural fibre industry, whilst also increasing awareness throughout the public, of the advantages that the use of natural fibre textiles provides to both the industry and the environment. Altogether, they hope that by sharing this message the opportunities for sales both within and outside of New York will increase, therefore boosting sustainability within the fashion industry.

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